Festival of Museums: DIAL A for WHISPERS

DIAL A for Whispers performance revolves around the concept of sequential interpretation, based on “Chinese Whispers”/Silent Post. The space is divided in two – with the first half set up in a factory style production line (where the five Artists work) and the other half as a “Hall of Judgement” (containing a large Cartesian Plane marked out on the floor). The audience is free to follow the continuous production of artwork from the initial inspiration point (a word drawn at random from the tombola) to the final finished piece (at the end of the production line of artists) and is then invited to judge it within four criteria: “Art-Valuable” ;“Art-Not Valuable” ; “Not Art-Not Valuable” and “Not Art-Valuable” (by placing the objects directly into the quadrants of the Cartesian Plane).

  • When