
Showing Travel Writers articles

Scotland's Aberdeenshire: Discover 900 years of queens, castles and royal heritage


By The Travel Magazine

Do you love the British royals? Visit Aberdeenshire in Scotland and discover its fascinating royal heritage, from Balmoral to the Braemar Highland Games.

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Castles, cliffs and The Cairngorms - why Aberdeenshire is Scotland's next big thing


By Travel Supermarket

Travel Supermarket tour Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire visiting the summer holiday home of the Royal Family, diving into history on museum tours, nature spotting on sea safari and tasting plenty of mouth-watering food along the way.

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From one North East to another


By North East Times Magazine

Our Scottish counterparts on the East Coast have a coastline scattered with ports that once built some of the world’s finest ships, they have a rural hinterland full of medieval castles and dramatic landscapes and they have an energy industry that dominates economic activity for the whole area. Sound familiar?

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Take it easy in Aberdeenshire: your perfect weekend away in Scotland


By Love Exploring

When you think of Scotland, you probably envisage the cobbled streets of Edinburgh, the Highlands and the Shetland Islands. And while you probably don’t think of Aberdeenshire, this quiet corner on the northeastern coast makes the perfect weekend retreat. 

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