Firelight Trio

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Kemnay Village Hall
8 Aquithie Road
AB51 5SS

Firelight Trio is a mighty new group featuring Fatea instrumentalist of the Year 2023 Gavin Marwick (fiddle), groovily inventive accordionist/pianist Phil Alexander (Moishe's Bagel), and Ruth Morris (Outlander, HBO) on the beautiful Swedish nyckelharpa. They play European music that is evocative, inventive, wide-ranging, and endlessly exciting - a rich tapestry of lively Swedish polskas and Scottish reels, lilting French waltzes, toe-tapping klezmer, and dazzling original tunes. Don't miss them!

  • Dates & Booking

    Nov. 10, 2024 7:30pm

    Book now
  • Ticket Info

    Standard - From £7.00 - £10.00

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